Have you always wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons, but didn't have a group to play with or know where to start? We are hosting our first Learn-to-Play session with a Level 1 One-Shot! 6 seats at the table available and character sheets will be provided, though feel free to bring your own if you have one you've been dying to try!
Note: Please be available to play for the entire duration for the sake of encounter balance at the table. We'll be playing 5th Edition with some light homebrew rules, all to be walked through at the beginning of the session.
One shot - The Darkest Night (level 1)
Description: Far to the north, the thriving mining town of Iceville survives long, cold, and dark winters. When the nights are longest, the people of Iceville light up the darkness with candles, song, and the exchange of gifts during Candlenights. The celebration is named by the mysterious Kringle, who long ago brought light to Iceville, after the dark days. But Kringle is most loved, for giving every child in town a gift during Candlenights, that he made in his magical workshop. Over the years, Kringle put on lots of extra padding, thanks to treats left by the children, and is no longer the young hero who saved Iceville nearly five centuries ago. This year, an ancient enemy has finally gained back his strength and decided it is time for the darkness to return....